EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress

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shoppingBag Продажі: 179


Створено: 11 груд. 2017 р.

Оновлено: 23 квіт. 2024 р.

ID: 66145

og体育首页ONE - Необмежені завантаження за $12.40/міс.

480k продуктів | Комерційне використання License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Підтримка Приєднуйтесь та завантажте цей продукт  Безкоштовно
EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 1EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 2EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 3EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 4EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 5EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 6EasyAudit - аудит теми WordPress - Features Image 7

Потрібно терміново створити високоефективний аудиторський веб-сайт? Тоді ви прийшли в потрібне місце. Наш шаблон веб-сайту аудиту пропонує багатомовний дизайн із високою адаптивністю, який доступний на всіх відомих пристроях у всьому світі. Хочете опублікувати фотографії? Ви можете вільно створювати галереї для свого сайту. Хочете опублікувати набір висловлювань задоволених клієнтів? З нашим шаблоном налаштувати відгуки надзвичайно просто. Хочете висловити свою думку клієнтам? Використовуючи зручну функцію персонального блогу, ви завжди зможете ділитися своїми думками з клієнтами. Величезна колекція шрифтів Google дає вам можливість вибрати правильний стиль тексту для вашого сайту.

Журнал змін

April 23, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

EasyAudit (October 26, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

EasyAudit (January 4, 2022):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.5 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.8 compatible.

16 Відгуків про цей товар

EasyAudit, a WordPress theme by xtremethemes, is an attractive option for auditing, accounting, and consulting firms. Despite its appealing design and rich features, the theme's ease of use could be better (3/5). The installation process is time-consuming, but overall, it's a solid 4-star theme with potential for enhancement.
Great looking theme selected by my author. I gave him an example of a website that I liked the look of and asked him to find a similar alternative. Very pleased
Everything is great in this theme, I even wanted some customization in some pages and their support team did that for me promptly. They respond to you less then a couple of hours which is something great. This theme has so many features and is a really great resource for those looking to make a professional quality website with minimal effort. I have bought a lot of themes here but their support is so far the best i have experience. Thank you and keep up the great work.
This is exactly what my client needed. It had all the functions available wrapped in one template. We had to purchase Elemantor Pro to get all the extras and the support. I do wish that these template were up to date to be compatible with the lastest Wordpress.
The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The file structure is transparent. Easy to configure and modify. A very intuitive way of making changes. I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions. You will certainly be satisfied. Also your clients. The page on this template will be modern and adapted.

0 Коментарі до цього продукту

Про автора

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (1281 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 1099 4 57 3 16 2 9 1 100
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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