Szablon HTML5 agencji cyfrowej Dreamhub i firmy programistycznej

6 miesięcy wsparcia Wraz z produktem otrzymasz 6-miesięczne wsparcie od autora. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o tym, co obejmuje pakiet, przeczytaj zasady pomocy technicznej.

shoppingBag Obroty: 8

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Stworzony: 21 mar 2023

Zaktualizowany: 17 paź 2023

Identyfikator: 323127

og体育首页ONE - Ściąganie bez limitów za 12.40$/mies

500k Przedmioty | Użytek komercyjny License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Wsparcie Dołącz, aby pobrać ten produkt  za darmo

Ta strona jest bardzo piękna, jest to projekt agencji cyfrowej. Za pomocą tego projektu możesz tworzyć wszelkiego rodzaju strony internetowe. Jeśli jesteś agencją digital i Twoja firma szuka projektów dla swoich klientów, to jest to najlepsza strona internetowa dla Ciebie, możesz ją kupić. Jeśli masz jakiś problem, powiedz nam, a my go rozwiążemy. Jesteśmy zawsze gotowi, aby Cię wesprzeć. Nasza strona internetowa jest bardzo czystym i bardzo prostym kodem, który można bardzo łatwo zrozumieć i zaprojektować tak, jak chcesz. Mamy tutaj wiele opcji. Mam nadzieję, że podoba Ci się nasz szablon.

Lista zmian

Update 16 August 2023 New Inner pages Added New Coding and CSS Added New Images Added Fixed Others Issue.

Liczba recenzji dla tego produktu 2

Fantastic service! I am very satisfied with the website template, very practical for editing, I recommend it. The technical support is fast and in fact they solve our problems, they are to be congratulated for their professionalism. Observation: I'm Brazilian and even using Google Translate I had no problems with service, I'm very satisfied. Congratulations! Thank you very much.
The template itself is really well done. You can follow everything really well. There are no problems in almost most areas. However, my issue became visible when trying to adjust the contact page. In the documentation of the downloaded template it pacifically says use mail.php to configure the recipient email. Do note this design is very recent. So i contact the author and the problem becomes more frustrating. The authors english and understanding of it is a barrier in trying to communicate. I was pacific of my needs related to the contact page. The author however was too consistent asking to gain remote access to my pc. Do note again, i have dont this many times with template monster directly but i would never do this with the author directly because there is no assurance for their credibility. Also, it was a major flag when i was running a test to see where the contact form gets sent to by default. Once i sent that email i get a call almost a min or two later i get a call from +91 60059 26783. All i can say, is im not 100% certain of this author but their design is solid so im not too sure what to make of it. Why go that far to make the design well thought out yet the contact page has been setup through formspreee and requires you to use that a middleman for you to receive emails. All the other templates i have worked with i have always been to send the mail directly to me without using a middle platform such as formspreee, in this case. For me, there are too many red flags, and with the experience i have had with other templatemonster templates have been without issues. So ill try be reasonable. everything is fine apart from the contact form which i was not happy with.
Dear Sir this is html template not WordPress theme. So its some difficult to setup contact from in html template. You should have given a chance to solve these issue directly to the author. If you could make an simple meeting then it could be solved. Hope you Understand All Thank You DRTheme Author

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O autorze

HotShot Author

Customer Support

4,4 /5
Support rating (21 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 18 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 3
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik



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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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